Upload Start ============= Initialize a file upload. This will return the file_id to be used in the upload_data and upload_finish requests. Request ------- :: POST https://api.cloudplan.biz/api/file/upload_start { "file_name" : "..." // (string, required) the name of the file to be uploaded "parent_id" : "..." // (string, required) the folder id where the file should be uploaded to "node_id" : "..." // (string, optional) node where the file should be uploaded to if not specified a node will be picked automatically "file_size" : 0 // (integer, required) the exact file size in bytes that will be uploaded } Note: after the upload is finished the file may be assigned a new file_id, so the file_id generated here is only valid during the upload Reply ----- :: { "result": true/false "reason": (on failure) any error code "file_id": // (string) the file_id to be used in any subsequent upload_data and upload_finish requests "node_id": // (string) the node that was either explicitly chosen or automatically picked "node_type": // (integer) type of the node 0 = real node 1 = private cloud node } Error Codes ----------- :: file_name_empty parent_id_empty root_folder_not_found no_node file_size_not_specified user_has_no_access file_already_exists error codes from :doc:`api/user/login`