Create ====== Create a new folder on a specified node. Request ------- :: POST { "node_id":"..." // (string, semi-optional) the node where the folder should be created - if not specified the parent_id will be used to determine a suitable node "folder_name":"..." // (string, required) the name of the folder to create "parent_id":"..." // (semi-optional) leave empty when creating a new root-level folder } Note: either node_id or parent_id have to exist. If only the parent_id exists a node will be picked automatically. Reply ----- :: { "result": true "reason": any of the error codes below "folder_id":"..." // (string) id of the created folder } Error Codes ----------- :: no_parent_id_and_no_node_id no_node folder_name_empty user_has_no_access folder_already_exists user_cannot_access_node error codes from :doc:`api/user/login`