Get Many ======== Get folder documents with different filtering and query options. Request ------- :: POST { "folder_ids": [] (optional, list of strings) a list of folder ids "number": 20 (optional, int) default 20 - max-number of entries to return "skip": 0 (optional, int) default 0 - number of entries to skip "sort_modified": true/false (optional, bool) default sort by name "sort_size": true/false (optional, bool) default sort by name "sort_invert": true/false (optional, bool) default sort by name "tags": [] (optional) list of filters for certain tags e.g. {"tag_id": "56XYZ..."} {"tag_id": "56ZYXVW.", "val_int":{"gt": 10, "lt":42}} } Example 0 --------- :: REQUEST { "tags_filter": [{"tag_id": "600EC2D1ABB19BF1FAEC5E799C8B1F67"}] } REPLY { "result": true, "folder_docs": [ { "cp_id": "5FE1ECD7868A8474795A10C3A11683A9", "creation_timestamp": 1608641751, "individual_rights_user_56A23EB6998F303B134C1C0A723447B0": { "delete_acl": true, "read_acl": true, "write_acl": true, "transfer_acl": true, "sync_acl": true }, "individual_rights_user_cp_ids": [ "56A23EB6998F303B134C1C0A723447B0", "5FE1DCD3CBD4FD7C0A51A3099CBDB772" ], "modify_timestamp": 1608641751, "name": "channel-test-invites2", "parent_folder_cp_id": "", "rights_user_56A23EB6998F303B134C1C0A723447B0": { "delete_acl": true, "read_acl": true, "write_acl": true, "transfer_acl": true, "sync_acl": true }, "rights_user_cp_ids": [ "56A23EB6998F303B134C1C0A723447B0", "5FE1DCD3CBD4FD7C0A51A3099CBDB772" ], "sync_info_nodes_cp_ids": [ "58B84023CC9C524F7441DAEE72BC9C73" ], "sync_node_58B84023CC9C524F7441DAEE72BC9C73": { "sync": true }, "version": 1, "last_path_ids_rebuild_parent_id": "", "path_ids": [], "individual_rights_user_5FE1DCD3CBD4FD7C0A51A3099CBDB772": { "delete_acl": false, "read_acl": true, "view_acl": false, "sync_acl": false, "write_acl": true, "weblink_acl": false, "transfer_acl": false }, "rights_user_5FE1DCD3CBD4FD7C0A51A3099CBDB772": { "delete_acl": false, "read_acl": true, "write_acl": true, "transfer_acl": false, "sync_acl": false }, "org_sync_info_56A23D908AD3312676D3D9DF9099A5C9": { "timestamp": 1628260881, "count_cloud": 1, "count_server": 0, "count_client": 0 }, "corrupted": false } ] } Error Codes ----------- :: too_many_folder_ids_limit_is_50 folder_not_found root_folder_not_found no_storage_node_online user_has_no_access node_error error codes from :doc:`api/user/login`