Quickstart ========== Almost all input and output is stringified JSON (Upload and download of files are the only exception). Getting a Session ID (Authentication) ------------------------------------- All api functions have to be called with a valid session id. The only exception is the :doc:`api/user/login` function, that will give you a new session id. With a post request we transmit the credentials and on success we receive a new session id: :: https://api.cloudplan.biz/api/user/login { "email":"testuer42@cloudplan.net", "pw":"...." } This will give us a reply: :: { "session_id": "5B3A1BF1AC77C253A95E3291A124FC6B" } .. note:: The default session duration is 10 minutes. You can add a *session_duration* field with an integer value to create longer sessions (session_duration is in seconds). Information About Current User ------------------------------ Let's use the session id to get some information about the currently logged in user by calling the :doc:`api/user/me` function. The session id has to be passed as an extra request header field named "session_id" like this: :: session_id:5B3A1BF1AC77C253A95E3291A124FC6B With the additional header you can now make the standard POST request with JSON payload: **Request** :: https://api.cloudplan.biz/api/user/me {} **Reply** :: { "user_id": "56A23EB6998F303B134C1C0A723447B0", "name": "", "firstname": "", "email": "H.everts@cloudplan.net" .... }