
Almost all input and output is stringified JSON (Upload and download of files are the only exception).

Getting a Session ID (Authentication)

All api functions have to be called with a valid session id. The only exception is the Login function, that will give you a new session id.

With a post request we transmit the credentials and on success we receive a new session id:



This will give us a reply:

    "session_id": "5B3A1BF1AC77C253A95E3291A124FC6B"


The default session duration is 10 minutes. You can add a session_duration field with an integer value to create longer sessions (session_duration is in seconds).

Information About Current User

Let’s use the session id to get some information about the currently logged in user by calling the Me function.

The session id has to be passed as an extra request header field named “session_id” like this:


With the additional header you can now make the standard POST request with JSON payload:





    "user_id": "56A23EB6998F303B134C1C0A723447B0",
    "name": "",
    "firstname": "",
    "email": "H.everts@cloudplan.net"