Salesforce Integration

This page will describe how to:

  1. Enable Salesforce as SAML IDP
  2. Configure IDP in cloudplan
  3. Create Salesforce Connected App with cloudplan as SAML service provider
  4. Test & use it
  5. Avoid Pitfalls

1. Enable Salesforce as SAML IDP:

In Salesforce Setup navigate to Settings > Identity > Identity provider

2. Configure IDP in cloudplan

Navigate to Management > Global Settings

  • In the block SAML authentication click the ‘Add’ button.
  • Enter any descriptive name for your integration. E.g. “Salesforce IDP”
  • Paste the metadata link from above into the “Metadata URL” field and click “Save”.
  • The new SAML integration should be listed now, click the “Info” button to display the needed SAML information for the next step.

3. Create Salesforce Connected App with cloudplan as SAML service provider

In Salesforce Setup navigate to Platform Tools > Apps > App Manager

  • click “New Connected App” to create a new Connected App
  • Enter any app name you like. E.g. “cloudplan”
  • Under “Web App Settings” check the “Enable SAML” checkbox.
  • In the new expanded settings for SAML enter the values for “Start URL”, “Entity Id”, and “ACS URL” you can copy those from the cloudplan website from the previous step


Make sure you have selected the same IdP Certificate you have selected in your Salesforce Identity Provider settings (first step)

4. Test & use it

The easiest way to test your newly configured integration is to copy the “start_url” from cloudplan > Management > Global Settings > SAML authentication (info) and open this URL in a new incognito browser window. If everything works correctly you should be prompted with a Salesforce login mask and upon successful login you should be logged-in and redirected to cloudplan.

5. Avoid Pitfalls

Problems that can occur include:

  • Not using the same IdP Certificate in Salesforce Identity Provider and Salesforce Connected App
  • Having incorrect user permissions configured so no user has access to the connected app.
    (see Apps > Connected Apps > Manage Connected Apps > “cloudplan” to configure e.g. Profiles)
../_images/salesforce_identity.JPG ../_images/cloudplan_saml_add.JPG ../_images/cloudplan_saml_info.JPG ../_images/salesforce_new_connected_app.JPG ../_images/salesforce_new_connected_app_saml.JPG