How to Control cloudplan API from Excel

First of all one needs to install a JSON converter which parses JSON response data into a format which can easily be accessed by Excel VBA.

A solid an reliable converter can be found on GitHub ( Please download the respective ZIP file. The file proides a libary which can be imported into any VBA project. It will convert a JSON string (e.g. JSON API response) into a VBA dictionary. The Github side mentioned above also provides examples how the information in the VBA dictionary can be accessed.

Import the libary into your Excel project:

  • Extract ZIP
  • Open new Excel Workbook
  • Open VBA Editor
  • Menu: <Datei / File > // <Datei importieren / Import File > // Choose >>JsonConverter.bas<< file and press ENTER

Add reference in Excel:

In Excel VBA editor navigate to Menu > Extras / Tools > Verweise / References and:

  • Enable Microsoft Scripting Runtime